The latest release of ACT! CRM software (2010) includes a feature that I’ve been pushing for and am starting to see as

Many marketers have been taught the concept of the marketing funnel. The idea being that you bring leads into the top of

I’ve added a weekend post routine that I hope you enjoy. Each weekend I write a post that features 3-4 things I

Google seems to constantly add little tweaks to all of its various products. The Google Maps search product is inching more and

I have to admit that part of the motivation for the title of this post is to excite the sales oriented folks

First off, what is twistory? Twistory is a twitter mashup that gives you a view of the backlog of your tweets, but

Was a time a few years back when I would tell audiences of small business owners that “if they did not have

Many times business owners and marketers look for ways to create innovations and points of differentiation through elaborate technical add-ons or by

I’ve added a weekend post routine that I hope you enjoy. Each weekend I write a post that features 3-4 things I