10 Tested Tips to Improve Ecommerce Conversions Without Going Broke

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Thursday is guest post day here at Duct Tape Marketing and today’s guest is from Alexia McCormick  – Enjoy!

There are a couple ways for an ecommerce company to increase performance. One is to increase the number amount of traffic that arrives on the website through marketing, Pay Per Click advertising, and other forms of outreach. The other method is to develop the visitors you’ve already got and improve your conversion rate. While both methods have costs, the first method will usually require a much larger budget to be successful.

Sometimes, though, the simplest changes on your website can make a big difference, and you can improve your overall conversion rate without having to go broke. These ten tips are an effective way to get started.

1.  Headlines – The headline of the page should be your first priority because it can have the biggest impact on conversion. You need to look at the headline as a pointer. It’s not just about grabbing attention but building interest. Avoid the hype and be clear about why they should look at the rest of the plate.

2.  Copy – The copy on the webpage must provide value for the customer. Remember that you only have a few seconds and less than a couple of inches to catch their attention and give them a reason to stay, so put the important things first (free trials, new products, etc.), and always be clear and direct.

3.  Quantifiable Data – Most internet users are naturally suspicious of claims made by businesses on their websites. Phrases like “the most” or “the best” have no real meaning for us. Offer measurable data on what makes you stand out from the competition.

4.  Build Trust – The internet can be a scary place to do business with hackers causing problems and companies unable to fulfill their orders. Give your customers reasons to trust you. Do you have a history of fast deliveries and complete fulfillment? Is your shopping cart certified to be safe? Are you available to answer questions? Adding live chat software to the website and immediately responding to emails or other forms of communication will also put a personable face on the company and make it easier to do business.

5.  Images – An image needs to do more than break up the content. A smiling, happy, but completely unrelated person isn’t going to be very helpful. Your images should contribute to the message you are trying to deliver. Images should be about communication, not decoration.

6.  Consistent Messaging – Guide your customers through the entire process. If your PPC ad says one thing, make sure your landing page reiterates the message. Then follow through on the sales page to help them know that they are getting exactly what they need.

7.  Reduce Friction – How many clicks does it take to make a purchase? How much content do they need to read before they find out what makes your company so special? This all feels like work to the average internet customer, and they’d just as soon go elsewhere as work their way through a confusing sales process. Eliminate friction and you will take away an excuse to leave the site.

8.  Simplify Calls to Action – Whether it’s a button that takes them to another page or a form to fill out on the landing page, the call to action should be clear and simple. If a form has 12 elements, customers will balk. If the button is surrounded by bright pictures, it will be hard to see. Keep it clear and simple.

9.  Change Perception – Increasing your conversion rate isn’t about making huge changes to the website. It’s about making changes to the way your website is perceived by the customers. You need to think about the structure, content, and images from the customers’ point of view, not the company’s.

10.  Stay Focused – Too many options and choices can be detrimental to the conversion process. Stay focused on a single product or service on each page. Do not try to cross sell before you’ve made the first sale. Be confident in the page. You don’t need to sell them on your whole organization right now, just on one thing at a time.

Alexia McCormick is a writer for Netop. When Alexia is not writing, she enjoys sewing & learning about advancements in education. Netop has been a leader in classroom management, live chat software solutions and secure remote access for business and educational institutions for almost three decades.

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Alexia McCormick

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