Are blogs losing steam for some?

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  • Are blogs losing steam for some?

Dilbert BlogScott Adams, you know, the Dilbert creator (maybe you’re like me and don’t really follow his work because you’ve never spent a day in a cubicle) wrote on his blog the other day that he was going to start posting less frequently because he wasn’t seeing the results that he thought he would from his blog.

His stated reasons were basically, and I’m paraphrasing, that he thought some negative comments weren’t worth it and, because people were choosing to read the blog via RSS, he wasn’t making more money because of it.

It’s funny but I think people with his kind of star power, much like big offline publications, never really get into blogging because they are not used to people talking back at them or giving anything away for free. They see it as A) necessary evil or B) simply another way to make money and, in the end, it’s neither.

And if you’re a Dilbert fan perhaps you should be reading Escape from Cubicle Nation for some balance.

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