Stop Chasing Your Dreams

I know the title of this post may seem like the lead in to a pretty cynical, soul crushing, year end wrap up, but it’s just the opposite.

chasing dreams
photo credit: Gord Bell via photopin cc

This time of year many people sit down and spend some time thinking about goals for the upcoming year. I used to do this as well until I learned, over time, that the practice was actually robbing me of joy.

I’ve been doing this a long time and over the years I’ve come to realize that attachment to outcomes – otherwise known as goals – may in fact get us to some predetermined destination, but at what cost?

Now, before you write this off as some rationalization for lack of proper ambition, understand that I’m not talking about simply drifting along either.

I have very clear intentions for what I would like to see my business become and how I would like to live my life inside of that, but I also try to do my best to let go of how that happens.

Instead of chasing dreams I try to let them come to me how and when they are meant to. I know this can get a little new age attraction sounding but I’ve experienced it time and time again.

When I stay open to change, embrace chaos and look for the beginning in every ending I experience the expression of meaning and purpose in my life and my intentions eventually unfold with joy.

When I struggle to fit a predetermined set of circumstances into every outcome and measure progress in daily successes and failures I experience stress and anxiety even as I achieve my stated goals.

So here’s my annual advice for every day business growth. Spend some time this coming week to create the picture of your business this coming year, record your intentions for your business and your life and (here’s the hard part) let go!

Then go out there and jump in the river and swim with the current instead of against it. Enjoy every minute of your day knowing that it’s all part of how your dreams come true.

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Happy New Year

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