Each Friday I select a random twitter follow and send them a copy of Duct Tape Marketing – BONUS – this week

In a previous post I asked readers to share stories of the best referral they ever received. It was a lot of

More and more small business folks are giving in to what seems like an insurmountable mountain of hype and jumping on the

HP has just launched a new site called the Small Business Marketing Guide and asked me and the Duct Tape Marketing Coach

Seems like we’ve heard about the promise of the paperless office for about 10 years now, but in some circles of business,

Traditional lead generation tactics, directory advertising, trade show participation, half page print ads are quickly loosing appeal with small business marketers. There

Cleveland entrepreneur Jim Kukral has launched another innovative marketing tool called simply Your Pitch Sucks. Jim explained the service for a recent

The economy sucks, so now’s the perfect time to start, expand or grow a business, right?. I know, as I’m sure you

In a previous post I asked readers to share stories of the best referral they ever received. It was a lot of