rainbow, originally uploaded by ducttapemarketing.

I like to use to use images to help illustrate the theme or point of a blog post. It’s a proven “best

So much of the literature on the subject of referrals focuses on the proper ways to network, ask for referrals, and create

Yahoo Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web. Frankly, it has been around

Several years ago, Hilary Brown decided to open a burger joint in Lawrence, KS. She readily admits that folks around town questioned

Capturing and adding video to your marketing and social media mix has become a necessary and increasingly expected part of creating your

I’ve added a weekend post routine that I hope you enjoy. Each weekend I write a post that features 3-4 things I

I’m often talking about producing high quality, education based content as way to draw leads to know, like and trust you. So,

OK, so you’ve got your twitter account up and cooking, you’re using 3rd party apps to filter and aggregate search and you’ve